Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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110 lines
Quake-Simulator Version 1.0
The author, Misha Koshelev, and any other persons referred to
in this documentation or in the computer program EARTHQUA (Quake-Simulator)
accept no responsibility for any loss of time, money or productivity,
or damage to any person(s) or computer hardware or software, as a
result of using the program EARTHQUA (Quake-Simulator), even if the above
mentioned had knowledge or had been notified of the possibilities
of such events.
Distribution and Usage
I have released Quake-Simulator and its source code into the public
domain. You may freely use Quake-Simulator and its source code in any way
you see fit. However you must have a ``This program uses code from
Quake-Simulator written by Misha Koshelev'' message shown to the user
of your program and in the documentation.
The author, Misha Koshelev, hereby grants the right to use, modify, and
sell any program using the source code provided in the EARTHQUA
(Quake-Simulator) collection of files, as long as the message ``This program
uses code from Quake-Simulator written by Misha Koshelev'' is shown to the
user and is put in the documentation, with the stipulation that
Misha Koshelev accepts no responsibilty for changes desired in the code, bug
fixes, or future updates.
Now, with all that aside, PLEASE let me know of any comments and/or
suggestions you may have regarding possible uses for Quake-Simulator and any
enhancements you wish to share with me and others.
My Internet E-mail address is: mkosh@cs.utep.edu, and you may also find
me as Misha Koshelev on some BBSes in El Paso, Texas. Oh yeah, by the way,
this program will only work on a Super VGA monitor.
Programming notes:
Author: Misha Koshelev
Development system: 486DX 33Mhz
8 Meg RAM
120 Meg HD
ES4000 Super Vga
IBM Mouse
Turbo C++ Version 3.0
Language used: C++
Model used: Large
Here are the files included in the .ZIP file for Quake-Simulator
Version 1.0:
EARTHQUA.PRJ The project file (Tubro C++)
EARTHQUA.CPP Main source code file (Turbo C++)
GENDISP.CPP The earthquake displacement generator source code (Turbo C++)
GENDISP.H Include file for GENDISP.CPP (Turbo C++)
EARTHQUA.EXE The executable (Compiled project file)
SVGA256.BGI Super VGA Graphics Driver (Borland Graphics Interface)
SANS.CHR Charachter Set (Borland Graphics Interface)
READ.ME This file
SOURCE.DSC Quick and dirty description of the source code
EQDAMAGE.TEX Descibes the algorithms that are used in the program
(Beginner level text, in Tex format. Tex is a typesetter)
To compile Quake-Simulator load the project EARTHQUA.PRJ into the
Turbo C++ environment and select Make EXE file in the Compile menu.
Quake-Simulator can be used in a lot of ways. For example, if someone
has made up their own control method, they could just created one
function and use it with the rest of the program to see if it is better
than existing control methods.
I can think of a million ways to optimize Quake-Simulator, but since
I was doing this for result and I had a short time to do it, I did not
optimize it.
I will probably released updates in the future with more features. If
you have any code to add please send it to me.
Thank you,
Misha Koshelev
1003 Robinson
El Paso, TX 79902
Internet e-mail: mkosh@cs.ep.utexas.edu
P.S. If you are the generous type and you make a program using Quake-Simulator
please send me a copy, or at least a description of the program.